Already certified?
An inspector will visit your company at least once a year. Usually we plan an inspection but it is possible that an inspector shows up unannounced. During these inspections we establish whether your company still fulfills the conditions. Other then annual inspections we perform:
• Inspections for recertification
• Unannounced inspections, the inspector checks one or a couple specific aspects.
• Re-inspection, the inspector checks if the non conformities are solved.
• Sampling, the inspector takes samples that will be analysed to determine if they are free of residues.
• Administration, the inspector checks the balance between organic sales and purchasing.
• Chain of custody inspections, inspection of different companies in a certain chain or aspect.
We may do extra inspections throughout the year if:
• you wish to add a new enterprise to your licence
• you move to new premises
• we receive a complaint regarding your business
• you are selected as part of our spot inspection programme
• we need to inspect again to make sure you have corrected non-compliances, or
• our risk assessment of your operations suggests the need for this.
These may be announced or unannounced. We may charge you for these inspections.